What can we do to promote online safety?

A blog by Aisha Bakari Khamis, Young Expert at Girls Human Rights Hub


In today's digital age, ensuring the safety of women and girls online is of paramount importance. The internet offers countless opportunities, but it also presents its share of risks. To promote online safety for this demographic, we must adopt a comprehensive and proactive approach. Here are some key strategies to consider:

Education and Awareness

It all starts with education. By raising awareness about the potential online threats and providing resources for safe online practices, we equip women and girls with the knowledge they need to navigate the digital world securely. Workshops, seminars, and informative campaigns play a pivotal role in disseminating this crucial information.

Digital Literacy Programs

Building a solid foundation of digital literacy is essential. Establishing programs that focus on enhancing skills such as identifying fake news, discerning credible sources, and understanding privacy settings on social media platforms empowers women and girls to make informed decisions online.

Strengthening Legal Measures

Advocacy for stricter laws against cyberbullying, harassment, and online stalking is imperative. A robust legal framework serves as a deterrent and provides recourse for victims. Collaborating with lawmakers and advocacy groups can be instrumental in pushing for these necessary changes.

Encouraging Safe Online Spaces

Communities, both online and offline, should actively work to create safe environments for women and girls to express themselves without fear of harassment or discrimination. Moderators and administrators play a crucial role in enforcing rules and promptly addressing any abusive behavior.

Fostering Support Networks

Building a support network is essential for individuals facing online threats. Encouraging open conversations about experiences and challenges fosters a sense of solidarity. This can be facilitated through forums, support groups, and social media communities dedicated to online safety.

Tech Industry Accountability

Holding tech companies accountable for creating safe platforms is pivotal. Encouraging the implementation of features like robust reporting mechanisms, improved content moderation, and better filtering tools can significantly enhance the online experience for women and girls.

Encouraging Reporting and Documentation

Encourage victims to report incidents promptly. Documenting instances of harassment or abuse is crucial for legal recourse and for building a case against repeat offenders. Encouraging platforms to streamline the reporting process can be a significant step forward.

Media Literacy and Representation

Promote media literacy programs that teach critical thinking skills to dissect and analyze media messages. Encourage the creation of diverse and empowering content that reflects the experiences and perspectives of women and girls.

For an interesting perspective on the topic, please watch this Tedx Talks by Aurelia Torkington.

An i-SAFE Foundation study found that over half of teenagers have been cyber-bullied. Heavy use of social media can make you 13-66% more depressed and 47% of teens say they’re addicted to their phones. But, experiences on social media don't have to be negative. In this honest, funny, and pragmatic talk about social media, Aurelia Torkington offers three key tips for positive social media use. Aurelia is a social media influencer and art student currently living in Wellington. They’re most well known for their bold makeup looks but use that platform to educate their young audience on current social issues surrounding queerness, mental health and body positivity.

In conclusion, safeguarding the online space for women and girls requires concerted efforts from individuals, communities, and institutions alike. By combining education, legal advocacy, technology, and support networks, we can create a safer and more inclusive online environment for all. Together, we can empower women and girls to thrive in the digital world.

On an increasingly digitised world, ensuring digital safety, especially for girls navigating online spaces, has become a critical concern. This guide is meticulously curated by our Young Expert, Julia Castro Boix, to equip passionate advocates with the necessary resources and strategies to champion digital safety initiatives for girls. Whether you're a seasoned activist or just beginning your advocacy journey, this toolkit offers practical information and a diverse set of tools aimed at advocating for a safer digital environment.

For more information, head to our Knowledge Hub, and learn more on your Right to Online Safety. If you want to learn more about campaign strategy or running a campaign on Online Safety, click here.


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